nloginov's personal space

How to load mods for Dying Light multiplayer

There is a video tutorial that I made very long ago on this topic, check it out if you don't like reading text.

1. Download my load online archive


2. Extract dsound.dll and dide_mod.ini from the archive

Use 7-Zip or WinRAR to extract the files from the archive.

Place them temporarily onto your desktop / downloads folder, we will use them later...

3. Open Dying Light's properties in Steam

Game Properties

Using Epic Games?

For steps 3,4: Open library -> Click 3 dots on the game's card -> Manage -> Click open install location button

4. Press the 'Browse...' button in the 'Local Files' tab

Local Files

A directory should open in your file explorer, keep it open for the next steps.

You can also close the properties window in Steam since we don't really need it anymore.

5. Extract dsound.dll and dide_mod.ini into the game's directory

Extract dide_mod.ini and dsound.dll

6. Open dide_mod.ini with a text editor of choice

Personally I prefer using Sublime Text 4, but you can use Notepad++ or the regular Windows notepad.

Default configuration

We won't do anything with the file in this step, just keep it open while we do the next one.

7. Place any datapak you want in the DW subfolder of the game's directory


You can download some cool ones from Nexus or my Discord server...

8. Get back into dide_mod.ini and load the datapaks

Added paths

The format for loading them is...
%game path%\DW\%datapak's name%.pak=1

Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dying Light\DW\FPS.pak=1

You can add multiple datapaks (as seen on the screenshot), although the limit is around 7. I am not 100% sure about the maximum amount, but I tried to load more and it didn't work.

Please do not use Data3.pak or Data0.pak for loading mods, these are offline methods.

Also loading any other non-custom existing datapak is not recommended. In short: don't load something like Data2.pak / DataEn.pak or etc...

9. Save the file

Press the CTRL+S combination on your keyboard or attempt to find the save file button in your text editor.

Save file

Keep in mind that having too much datapaks isn't that great

It's better to have one datapak with everything merged into it instead of 4 different ones.

10. Enjoy the game's multiplayer with your favorite mods.

Congratulations to you!